Ares Aixalà - Psychologist and influencer

Ares Aixalà - Psychologist and influencer

We've known Ares for many years now. Since that parade we organized for TCN and in which we perfectly remember and with much affection that she, among others, helped us to organize.

Many of you will know Ares from Instagram (@aresaixala). And the truth is that, as she tells us in this interview, we can assure that Ares is a very close person and friend of her friends. As a Virago Muse, Ares has a strong character, she knows where she is going and there is nothing to stop her. That is why we are very excited to share a little more about her and her personal project as a psychologist.



VIRAGO: Hi, Ares, how are you? Before we start, what song should we play on Spotify to read your interview?

Ares: Hi girls! Let's see, I'm a big fan of Rosalía and I like any of her songs, both those with a more "flamenco" tone and those with a reggaeton point that I also like very much.  

V: Many of us already know you, but tell us, who is behind Instagram's famous @aresaixala?

AA: Behind this Instagram there is a person who may seem arrogant at first or simply a cold and distant person when in fact I am very empathetic, friendly, sincere and affectionate with the people I love the most.  

V: We can affirm what you say! Now, tell us a little about your career, how long have you been involved in influencing the world and how has your experience been so far? 

AA: It's been about 5 years since I started working on Instagram and the truth is that everything started in a very natural way. It wasn't something I was looking for at any time. I was studying psychology, it was just a hobby. Besides, I've always liked fashion and combining pieces that I like, taking some risks and, as I always say, without thinking about what others might think. And that's exactly why my Instagram profile says "Je me'n fous", which in English means "I don't care". So this is a little bit the message I want to convey. Normality is not established anywhere. We are the ones who set the limit of what is normal and what is not. If you feel like going down the street with your pink hair, then go ahead. I think it's a way to prove our identity at all times. They say that clothes are our second skin and I think it's very important that each one of us transmits that.

"Normality is not established anywhere. We're the ones who draw the line between what's normal and what's not.

V: What is your opinion about influencing marketing and social media?

AA: Well, I think it has been created as a kind of new "job" that in the end is a way to advertise and sell any product but in a more realistic way. Although today too, I think that in the past, ads were starred by unattainable models with perfect and extravagant dresses. Instead, I see influencing marketing as something more natural, more "street-ish". In my opinion it is something very original, a way for brands to invest less money to advertise on social networks.

V: And, from your point of view, how do you think it will evolve?

AA: I don't really know, to be honest, but I'm quite intrigued by it. I think the important thing is to stand out and have your own essence so you can be unique in that sense. 

V: Clearly, the best way out is to be unique. In that sense, what do you think makes you different in such a crowded world? 

AA: Well, speaking of what I was just saying, I think I'm a very country person, a very natural person. I don't know how to explain it to you but maybe I feel that I do things in the moment and without thinking. I never prepare anything, I don't always go perfect, on the contrary, I always improvise, I go wilder, you know? And I think that in this way people feel more identified.

V: We know that you also have a degree in psychology and that you have your own practice. When did you start this project of yours and how has it affected your influence?

AA: The psychology office started less than a year ago, between October and November 2019. I studied Psychology and then I did the Master in General Health to be able to practice. I was very clear about what I wanted, which was to have my own private practice, to attend to my patients myself and for it to be a very natural subject, face to face. Before that, I worked in a hospital, in Can Ruti, in the Research Department. Although it was a very rewarding experience, I saw that it was not what I wanted. I was also working in a centre for social addictions but they didn't give me the freedom I was looking for, which was to treat a patient from start to finish. And that's when I said, 'Look, just jump in the deep and start now’. And so I did. Now I have two offices, one that I attend every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and a multidisciplinary center on Wednesday. Apart from this I also do online sessions. 

The truth is that being an influencer has not affected my psychology practice. They are two separate jobs. And that's what I like the most. On the contrary, I get a lot of feedback because I also like to provide information on my Instagram and people are really attracted to it.

V: We are aware that many times influencers are judged without knowing who is behind it. In many cases, women who contribute to society much more than a photo. How do you think psychology influences this aspect?

AA: Yes, exactly, you judge a lot because you see a person and simply because of their appearance or what you think they do. But in the end we all have prejudices and the important thing is to know how to rectify them at all times. But I agree with what you say. The majority of cases are women who not only have the gift of being able to transmit, of selling a product in a natural and credible way, but it is also important to sell what you like. I'm not going to sell beer because I don't like it, it's not something I identify with. My conclusion is that, before having prejudices, let's analyze the situation well and ask ourselves what that person might be going through at the moment or how his work is, the time he spends on it.

V: Going back to psychology, what do you think is the impact of the world of influencers and social networks in today's society and, more especially, in the mental health of the youngest?

AA: I think that, like everything in this life, the world of influencers has its positive side and also its negative side. That is why it is important to have a balance and try to transmit the best values to everyone through the networks.

I believe that many young people are inspired by social networks and influencers, especially in terms of fashion, travel or restaurants. But it is true that many times we can compare our life with that of influencers and that can really affect our mental health.

V: As you know, VIRAGO means heroic, brave, strong and powerful woman. We consider you one. But you tell me what you think you have about VIRAGO.

AA: I like that you consider me a VIRAGO woman. I think that, as I said before, I do things without thinking about what others may think. I have a strong character and I am very clear about where I want to go, whatever it takes.


"I have a strong character and I'm very clear about where I want to go, whatever it takes."


V: This is clearly the attitude of a VIRAGO woman! To finish, you might have seen that each of our designs is a representation of the classic women stereotypes, like the "Wifey" or "Flirty Friend" dresses. Tell us, as a Virago girl, which design do you identify with?

AA: I identify with the Dramatic Dress Love Bicolor. In the end we've all been dramatic in love and I don't see anything wrong with that. I have a lot of fun talking about these topics with my friends and end up making dramas a joke that we all laugh at. Besides, I love the dress!




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